Thursday, February 19, 2009

Being run ragged! Ü

I have been transported back to early Motherhood!
I forgot how much I hated potty training!!!!!
It is lucky that he is CUTE! HA
I could not find a picture of a terribly frazzled woman for the
Blog...It is more emotional than physical tiredness.
But that is how I felt with my kids.

Max has done quite well, being only 2 months old and having no idea
if any potty training had been begun before the 18th!!??
I realize that I may have to call the people that sold us Max.
I have a million questions of what his life had been first.?
So far for 2 days he has only pooped once and peed 4 times..
Not bad for a start!!Ü

Max is a funny little guy. Brave one minuet, scared and hiding
behind me or something the next. HA
We are in for a wild ride!!

Did I tell you that I said a big long prayer for both of us!!
I figured that we both needed all the help that we could get!!!!
I truly believe that the Lord hears and answers our Prayers..
I think that sometimes we just don't ask for quite the right thing..
So his answer might not be quite what we are looking for...?
I realize that sometimes the answer is NO, but if you phrase the question
wrong or only ask half of what you need, where does He go with that??
So I have been trying to be as exact as possible!!! HA HA
In hopes that the answer will be like wise.. I am keeping my fingers crossed!

1 comment:

2pattyesque said...

Boy, do I ever remember this phase of puppy ownership!