If the choice is good, or Bad, it can and will effect you, your family, Neighborhood, Ward, Community, The Country..
Either for the Good or the Bad....
Our Oldest Son is thinking of Joining the Military!
At least the Army R.O.T.C.
There are pro's and Con's to each side of the "Do I or Don't I" talks..
He would have joined Friday but there was a small problem..
The Day they wanted him to begin, was the first day of Finals! So he has time to really think about it!
I am not against or for..Him joining. That has to be his decision.. I won't be the one having to do all the training and such! But all of us will be effected!!
I guess the thing that keeps going through my mind is, The Other end of the Stick..
Everything you do has another end of the stick attached to it..
For example.. In joining the Church or being active, you may not at first realize all that comes with it..
Like a church job that you will have no prior skill at,Ü, Or Visiting Teaching or Home teaching,
Ward Dinners, Enrichment gatherings, Primary things if you have kids, or are in the Primary.
There will be meals to take to people who are ill or have had a child. Service projects, picking fruit,and the cannery...Food storage, and provident Living...
All are good things, just not what you may have thought you were getting in to with believing that the Church is True!!( Which I do believe by the way!!)
Another example is when you Marry..
Do you realize before, that you just might end up never going to your own Family stuff because you will always be at your husbands family stuff and he just can't miss any ?
Or never going to theirs, but only to yours because there is a riff in their family? or a Weird Uncle?
Or that he Or She is Just like his or her Mother or Father..???
Again, The Other end of the Stick!!!!
It is there with every choice!!
I guess I wish , that I knew what the other end of the stick is for His possible choice!!
Will he have to live far away for ever?( He might anyway with his schooling choices .)
Will he be deployed even though they told him that he would not be..???
Will 6 to 8 years be too much for him to stand? (that is" if" he doesn't like it)
How will that effect his little family not to mention our whole family?? YIKES!!
Maybe the delay is just a way to say "DO SOMETHING ELSE!"
But what do I know??
Maybe there is some better choice just waiting??
I just wish that I knew!!
So scary! I enjoyed reading your perspective on change, I think that is what the other end of the stick relates to as well. There is only one thing we can be sure of, that is change is inevitable! A lot has changed in my life and I know it has affected more than just me. I just hope it is always for the better. Good luck in your family and, whatever happens, keep a prayer in your heart!
Well, obviously I am all for joining the military since Ryan has served in it :) I think that Jason would do great in the Army. It is scary but if it is something that he's passionate about then support him all the way.
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